Beautiful pics of Robin Wright and Rosamund Pike feet & legs

Robin Gayle Wright was born in Dallas Texas, to Gayle (Gaston) Director of the national office of Mary Kay and Freddie Wright who was a pharmaceutical executive. She was raised in San Diego California. When she was 14 years old Robin Wright started her modeling career in Japan, Paris, Japan and Paris. The most well-known roles of Robin Wright are The Princess Bride, Forrest Gump as well as The Netflix program House of Cards. Rosamund Pike is best-known for her role as Bond Girl and the vengeful husband on Gone Girl, but away from the screen, she lives the quiet life of her family. Robie, who is a research scientist and entrepreneurs, is 59 and has two sons aged 42 together with the actress. Rosamund has an female English name which translates to Horse protection. Rosamund derives from Germanic elements Hros horses and Mund protector. The name was also adopted by the English since it was a sound like the Latin expression rosa munda, which is a synonym for pure rose.

pics Rosamund Pike a feet & legs pics Rosamund Pike b feet & legs pics Rosamund Pike c feet & legs pics Rosamund Pike d feet & legs pics Rosamund Pike e feet & legs pics Rosamund Pike f feet & legs pics Robin Wright g feet & legs pics Robin Wright h feet & legs pics Robin Wright i feet & legs pics Robin Wright j feet & legs


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